Sunday 30 December 2018



The sabiglobal is bringing several solutions with this I will report some of them artificially the sabi-auth is an embedded or external module and a software for its maintenance carry out the process of identification and authentication of the user so that it aims to facilitate the life of all and to be able to give but security access to all users with the sabi-net it will be a global distributed authentication based on blockchain technology so that its role throughout the sabiglobal ecosystem in the near future, the sabi project can replace all the documents in paper and ID markers and create a basis for free trade based on smart contracts using the sabi authentication with this everyone will be well acquainted and will have the greatest satisfaction in participating in this new step in technology with the sabi storage which will be a sabi hard drive biometric authentication and proof of any such breach

as sabi technology is based on the analysis of the high frequency electromagnetic field of the person an innovation in the field of biometrics will be carried out with the advancement with it the whole human body together with all the cells acts as an impression, so that the permanence of their characteristics is very high the whole system is open for operation only when the user is within the scan range of the system the sabi can act as a global identity card helping everyone with their technology with security first place the team be committed to offer what the best of this way security is your freedom from threats and negative situations everything else is only possible in security conditions and this sabiglobal platform will have to spare today the best biometric authentication systems are not totally reliable so that are left to be desired when it comes to large-scale all existing identification methods have many the main drawbacks

of them is the incompatibility most of the identification technologies is incompatible with each other and the user must use several methods to access different systems this makes them very complex to use the user must remember and store all the logins and passwords, have keys of physical access with him / it becoming very difficult these methods sabiglobal seeks a revolution making yes possible all the necessary security in a single place with the equipment costs for different methods of identification that in turn require different equipment, this implies a increased costs for the purchase and maintenance of the entire infrastructure making it expensive and complicated The reliability of all becomes decreasing Most modern technologies are susceptible to hacking, data and counterfeiting in this way with all these problems well-known solutions these disadvantages by making a safe and reliable age with the electromagnetic profile of the body can not be lost throughout life and it is impossible to pretend because the sabi technology is safe for the user, since its irradiating power is less than the radiant power of smartphones, Wi-Fi networks and others consumer electronics making it affordable in any environment because as said simplicity

and ease of use a single hardware module that can be used individually and as part of complex corporate and international systems with the authentication process requires no user action independence comes to the forefront there is no need for permanent connection with the servers to carry out the authentication process based on a continuous authentication with an authenticity check in the course of the user's work, without additional actions by him as this method will satisfy all security levels the sabi tokens for payment of products and drafting will be used comprehensively in the system with a payment method the token functions as a fee for the use of the hardware and software part of the sabi as a unit of exchange the token acts as a unit of exchange of values ​​within the system and allows users to earn and spend tokens on the ecosystem itself and on other trading platforms all sabi platform users will receive tokens as compensation for upgrading existing hardware and software complex and for developing the network of partners and affiliates for more information visit and read the white paper for more details.


BTT Profil link:;u=2051385

Friday 28 December 2018

HardFork dari Ethereum - ETHEREUM CLASSIC VISION

ETHEREUM CLASSIC VISIONは、期待と現実の間のこのギャップを埋めることを目的とした新しい暗号通貨です。Ethereumのハードフォークであるこのシステムは、分散化の理想を維持しながら、世界で2番目に大きいデジタル通貨に提供される最先端のソリューションを使用します。このプロジェクトでは、シャーディングP2Pアセット共有dApp開発ツール、IPFSを使用した分散ファイルストレージなどのテクノロジを組み合わせる予定です。PoWベースのシステムから始めて、それは後に検証の導入を通じて検証 取引のための安定した報酬を提供するでしょう同時に、新しい資産を生み出すための最適な環境を作り出します。
ETHEREUM CLASSIC VISIONは、ブロックチェーン業界の危機に対して大胆で効果的なソリューションを提供します。ブロックアプリケーションの開発と構築のための世界有数のプラットフォームであるEthereumは、現在非常に危機的状況にあります。多くの解決策が提案されていますが、それらのどれも今のところ実装されていません- そしてEthereum管理の現在のコースは将来多くの楽観主義を刺激しません。既存の問題を解決するには何年もかかり、解決策自体が将来さらに多くの問題につながる可能性があります。

ETHEREUM CLASSIC VISIONは高度で、高速で、スケールが簡単で高度に分散化されたシステムであり、Proof-of-Stakeは明らかにこれらの目標を満たしていません。したがって、プラットフォームがPoWを使用する最初の期間の後、それはPoSに切り替わるであろう。部分的なテスト(PoSを使用して100ブロックのうち1ブロックをテストする)の長いフェーズを経る可能性が高いEthereumとは異なり、ETHEREUM CLASSIC VISIONより決定的で自信を持って移行する。チームは、革命的なアップデートをごく限られた形で導入することは、ネットワークを不安定にし、問題を長引かせ、差異を生じさせ、最終的に完全な移行を不可能にすることしかできないと確信しています。
ETHEREUM CLASSIC VISIONの目的は、スケーリング、マイニングの非効率性、およびデータストレージの高コストなど、Ethereumが直面する主な問題を解決することです。プルーフオブステークへの移行はこの計画の重要な要素ですが、その他にも多くのモジュールや機能が重要な役割を果たします。
トークンETCVは、 ETH 2019年1月11日の所有者の間で無償配布されます。今後数ヶ月にわたりETCV大取引所のcryptocurrencyの数に含まれます(現在は、プロジェクトチームは、それらのいくつかと交渉中である)とその開発環境で発売されるDAPPスタートアップが、blockchainを特別にその資産を追加し、新しいサービスを作成して展開することができるようになりますP2P交換を作成した- Vision DEX

ハードフォークEthereum - Ethereum Classic Vision - 01/11/19
ホワイトペーパー:https :  //
ウェブサイト:https :  //
author: fatik2020;u=2051372 0xa595e4E89F803718527C50dfB7D3397Db6910007

Thursday 27 December 2018


About Glyff
Glyff is a decentralized internet platform that results in the transfer of personal assets and protection of personal data for smart contracts.
Decentralized new cryptographic files allow participants to reach contracts that are smart, safe, and reliable without the need for third parties. The blockade model ensures equality with party sanctions in the event of breach of contract or abusive behavior and compensation of a fair actor. The current model is not yet complete for privacy: all the number of transactions and participating countries are blocked on the block. We are now Gliff, a smart contract system, decentralization, increased privacy. Gleff hides the details of financial transactions from public view and offers confidentiality that can be programmed using cryptographic primitives called zero proofs.
The Problem
Blockchain is one of the most important latest technological inventions, which allows businesses and individuals to instantly send money and information through the internet, without the need for third parties. However, current modelling completely forgoes privacy, with the entirety of data and amounts transacted between parties exposed to the public, whilst most real-world applications - health, financial, IoT, etc - requires details about their operations to remain undisclosed and incompatible with the public blockchain system.

What is Glyff ?

Glyff is a decentralized internet platform delivering private asset transfers and programmable privacy for smart contracts.

How does it work ?

Adding elements from latest cryptographic breakthroughs to the Ethereum proven design, Glyff balances data privacy and transactional security with computational efficiency, ultimately delivering an easily programmable, high throughput smart contract settlement layer up to enterprise level while enforcing the core principles of the blockchain. Glyff, like Ethereum, allows development of decentralized applications, but with a key difference : the ability of concealing data from the computing nodes. This enables developers to include sensitive data in their smart-contracts, directly on-chain, without compromise on security

The problem

The blockchain is one of the most important recent inventions, enabling business and individuals to instantly send money and information over the internet, without the need for trusted third parties. However, current modelling completely forgoes privacy, with the entirety of data and amounts transacted between parties exposed to the public, whilst most real-world applications – health, financial, IoT, etc – require details of their operations to remain undisclosed and are not compatible with a public blockchain system.


  • Initial distribution: 50,000,000 GLY
  • TGE (including pre-sale): 32,500,000 GLY
  • Glyff reserve: 7,500,000 GLY
  • Team and early contributors: 5,000,000 GLY
  • Community and strategic partners: 5,000,000 GLY
Pre-sale phase
  • Start date : 20 December 2018
  • End date : 19 January 2019
  • Token price : 0.11 USD
  • Discount :25%
  • Tokens for sale : 6,500,000
ICO phase
  • Start date : 20 February 2019
  • End date : 22 March 2019
  • Token price : 0.13 USD
  • Discount : None
  • Tokens for sale : 26,000,000


Q2/3 2018
Research starts
Prototyping of MVP consensus node and wallet (Sprout)

Q3/4 2018
Consensus node and wallet (early release)
Private test-net launch

Q1/2 2019
Publication of the first whitepaper working draft (Sapling)
Token generation event
Development and code consolidation
Public test-net launch

Q2/3 2019
Programmable privacy
Security audit
Consensus node and wallet (stable release)

Q3/4 2019
Main-net launch
Developer toolchain and documentation
Mobile wallet (Android/iOS)

Initial distribution: 50,000,000 GLY
TGE (including pre-sale): 32,500,000 GLY
Glyff reserve: 7,500,000 GLY
Team and early contributors: 5,000,000 GLY
Community and strategic partners: 5,000,000 GLY


We are building a next-generation decentralized platform that enables secure value transfers and smart contract execution, in complete confidentiality and with strong correctness guarantees. Glyff, like Ethereum, allows development of decentralized applications, but with a key difference : the ability of concealing data from the computing nodes. This enables developers to include sensitive data in their smart-contracts, directly on-chain, without compromise on security.
for more information please visit the link below


BTT Profil link:;u=2051385

Wednesday 19 December 2018

AIDUS Global D-Fund

AIDUS Global D-Fund Platform through blockchain technology

The AIDUS Global D-Fund Platform is a decentralized fund market established upon the ETHEREUM network to serve as a professional asset management platform in which global investors and asset management companies are able to use Blockchain technologies and SMART Contracts to safely and transparently create and settle into P2P (Peer-to-Peer) fund agreements. Various information regarding the settled fund agreements shall be registered in the Blockchain network and shall continuously be updated through the Oracles* Agent.
The AIDUS Coin will serve as the main currency that would be used for the signing and redemption of various fund portfolios. The platform will connect global investors (the demand group for the asset management) with professional asset management companies, while it would supply the ‘Quant Trading System(QTS)’ to the asset management companies in order for them to create various high profit fund items, all aiming at truly revolutionizing and establishing a new ecosystem of global asset management market.



  • Single fiat currency with the base of coin fundamentals
  • Guarantee on the Fundamental Value
  • ICO Asset Management through QTS
  • Simultaneous Profits from Asset Management and Increase in the Coin Value
  • Real Currency
    • Single Currency on the Fund Market
  • Operation of Single Currency for Signing, Exchange, and Redemption
QTS, proprietary high profit solution
Proprietary QTS on the Platform FOREX Trading-based QTS fully Developed QTS is Provided to AMCs within the Platform Safe and High-Profit Fund Portfolios can be Designed
Decentralized Fund Market
Investor-friendly global funding market
Free Access in Signing into Global Funds
Free Access in Signing and Authenticating in Funds
Providing Verified Fund Information
Minimum Fees charged to Investors
Free Usage of Platform
Minimum Fees to Investors for Exchange and Redemption
Leading the digital asset
management ecosystem
AIDUS ecosystem strategy that will innovate the asset management market
Establishment of Digital Asset Management Ecosystem
Establishment of Global Consortium Co-Operation of Digital Asset Management City District
Management of Ecosystem Development Fund
Development of Innovative Technologies & Start-up (Incubating)

AIDUS Coin Differentiation Strategy

World’s first fundamental-based coin through the QTS asset management
Single currency for fund signing and redemption
Coin that is based on the safe fundamentals (Coin that can never be zero in value) 50% of the ICO asset volume shall be managed by the proprietary QTS with an aim to secure safe fundamentals equivalent to the entire ICO asset volume
Real currency that is used for investment in real economy (Coin value will increase as per the fund management volume increases) Asset management performance + increase in the coin value(two-way profit) The bigger the fund volume in the platform will be, the bigger the coin usage volume. Thus, as per continuous growth of fund volume in the platform, coin value will also continuously grow in the market
Growth Potential
Planning to the world's main 3 monetary standards (Expansion of the ADFP resource the executives volume) Single money to be utilized in the single biggest market in the whole world
there are much to benefited from the great venture and it would be ideal you visit the following the site to get connected to the team and including how to purchase your Aidus token and roadmap.

AIDUS Decentralized Fund Platform

Operation of Decentralized Global Fund Market Platform (ADFP) that can enable high profit asset management through the proprietary QTS.


Token Name: AIDUS
Token Symbol: AID
Total Issue Volume: 20,000,000,000 AID
Token Sales Scale: 2,000,000,000 AID
Hard Cap: US$100,000,000
Soft Cap: US$3,000,000
Price: 1 AID=USD 0.06
Selling Coin: ETH

ICO Schedule

PRIVATE SALE : 11. OCT. 2018 12:00 ~ 10. DEC. 2018 24:00
1ST PRESALE : 11. DEC. 2018 12:00 ~ 20. DEC. 2018 24:00
2ND PRESALE : 03. JAN. 2019 12:00 ~ 12. JAN. 2018 18:00
PUBLIC SALE : 17. JAN. 2019 12:00 ~ 31. JAN. 2018 18:00 (GMT +0)


1st quarter ~ 2nd quarter
  • Founding of AIDUS Project Team
  • Research on ICO Business Model using QTS
  • Review on AIDUS Coin Model
  • AIDUS Whitepaper Draft Version
3rd quarter
  • Legal Consulting on ADFP-based Fund Market & AIDUS Coin
  • ICO Investment Review and Cooperation Works with Strategic Partners
  • AIDUS ICO Website Opening / AIDUS Whitepaper
  • Contract Agreement on QTS-based Fund Release
4th quarte
  • Business Presentation / Private Sale
  • Private Sale / 1st AIDUS Pre-Sale
  • 2nd AIDUS Pre-Sale / ICO (Crowd sale)
  • AIDUS Listing on Exchanges (First half of 2019)
  • ADFP-based AIDUS Fund Market Launch
  • AIDUS Main-Net Opening & AIDUS Coin Listing
For more information :

BTT Profil link:;u=2051385

Tuesday 18 December 2018



About simplyBrand

simplyBrand aims to establish a platform with built-in AI model and machine learning technology to identify counterfeits. Crowd-sourced participants will be incentivized to assist in verifying the unidentifiable items throughout the whole process. The information of the counterfeiters will then be published on the blockchain, which is immutable and totally public for everybody to read. In addition, two major functions will be released along the way and will result in more parties joining the platform to complete the goal of evolving the platform into a self-governed ecosystem. By combining these cutting-edge technologies, and also designing mechanisms to govern the platform by itself, our solution would be able to solve this problem at a larger scale and high effectiveness.
simplyBrand will create a solution to this problem by establishing a platform with a built-in AI model and machine learning technology to identify counterfeits. Crowd-sourced participants will be incentivized to assist in verifying the unidentifiable items, while the information of the counterfeiters will be published on the blockchain, which is immutable and public for everybody to read. In addition, two major functions will be released along the way which will result in more parties joining the platform to complete the goal of the platform evolving into a self-governed ecosystem. By combining these cutting-edge technologies with new mechanisms to govern the platform by itself, our solution is able to solve this problem effectively on a large scale.


Brands will use the simplyBrand platform to request brand-protection services.
Human Layer will directly report counterfeit products, or work with the AI to verify the authenticity of E-commerce products. Human layer would consist of crowdsource participants and third-party service providers who do the enforcement job.
The simplyBrand platform will combine AI, human ingenuity and blockchain technology which will be used to create an immutable “blacklist” of counterfeit product.
The SBA tokens within the blockchain will incentivize human layer to utilize the simplyBrand platform.

The simplyBrand’s motto : “Because every purchase matters”

Because all consumers know that every purchase matter, simplyBrand aims to help them on their quest for trust by putting an end to counterfeiting. simplyBrand understood the power of Blockchain and managed to combine it to AI and crowdsourcing in order to launch a new type of service helping consumers and companies to fight their worst nightmare.

AI Technology & Machine Learning

With simplyBrand’s established AI and machine learning technology, our platform will effectively acquire new data and verify counterfeit product information, resulting in a more efficient way to fight counterfeits online.

Blockchain Technology

Leveraging the immutable and distributed features of blockchain technology, simplyBrand will publish the blacklist on the blockchain and effectively reduce the actions of counterfeit retailers by increasing their cost of business and creating new barriers to their continued operations.

Why a Blockchain ?

As we know simplyBrand is fighting counterfeit by involving every actors of the market (customers, brands, manufacturers, and all interested people in general). The reasons why this needs to be made through a blockchain are multiple. But to my eyes, there are two that are really important :
  1. The first is the security and the trust that blockchain grants to all the actors of the project (the customers who verify the products, the brands which participate in the process, the ever growing database that results of this operations). In order to verify and be sure to keep a footprint of every report on counterfeiting, the use of blocks is a must !
  2. Secondly, connecting people is something important to create an accurate counterfeiting blacklist, but the problem comes to be: “How to use this list efficiently ? How can we transform reports/votes/lists into a threatening tool for counterfeiters ?” SimplyBrand had the smart idea to publish its blacklist on a blockchain. This will effectively reduce the abality of counterfeiters by increasing their cost and creating new obstacles to their business. Then, in a sense, the market itself will be their own nightmare.
  3. simplyBrand Because Every Purchase Matters

    A study conducted by the International Chamber of Commerce and a study conducted by Frontier Economics raised a concern. It is estimated that the current global economic value of counterfeit and pirated goods has been estimated at nearly $ 1.8 billion, which is in 2015.

    In 2013, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) also carried out a study. They estimate the value of counterfeit goods imported worldwide at about $ 461 billion. While a study commissioned by Price Waterhouse Coopers, PwC, in 2013, the dummy market generated about $ 1.9 billion in revenue.

    While the counterfeit drug market is estimated at $ 188 billion, while Electronics and Fashion is at $ 180 billion, it is certainly a global problem that needs to be addressed soon. With the number of counterfeit goods going on every year and the lack of adequate resources that can counteract these illegal activities, consumers are the most affected.

    SBA is a functional token designed specifically for use on the platform. In other words, it allows participants on the platform to receive and send off message alerts.

    Token Information:

    Symbol : SBA
    Token Type : ERC20
    Token Price : $0.05
    Softcap : $2 million
    Hardcap : $20 million

    Team Members:


Brands will use the simplyBrand platform to request brand-protection services.
Human Layer will directly report counterfeit products, or work with the AI to verify the authenticity of E-commerce products. Human layer would consist of crowdsource participants and third-party service providers who do the enforcement job.
The simplyBrand platform will combine AI, human ingenuity and blockchain technology which will be used to create an immutable “blacklist” of counterfeit product.
The SBA tokens within the blockchain will incentivize human layer to utilize the simplyBrand platform.

AIGO - Adoption Blockchain e-Commerce to World

AIGO – Adoption Blockchain e-Commerce to World AIGO  is insulated, multi-functional personal assistant, treatment planning, notificati...