Saturday 4 August 2018


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The first social blockchain platform for the distribution os social activity bonuses. The GeoManna platform is a decentralized, socially funded ecosystem for direct peer-to-peer interaction (P2P - peer to peer). Transparency, reliability, speed and equal opportunities are the core values embodied in the technology of blocking and the functionality of a smart contract on a platform. The platform expands the potential of using financial services on the basis of a distributed registry, self-executing smart contracts. The GeoManna ecosystem is designed to unite all participants in one place, providing them with a platform for creating and using financial services, where everyone can, and offer a service, and use it. GeoManna is able to offer a new technical solution and a new conceptual model of interaction between platform participants for the development of modern decentralized financial services. The GeoManna platform will be friendly and with a minimum of technical terminology to offer services to the general public, indicating the benefits and capabilities of the platform. The GeoManna platform is a New World in which users create values themselves

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About GeoManna
The first social blockchain platform
The first social blockchain platform for the distribution of social activity bonuses.Ecosystem GeoManna is designed to unite all users in one place, collecting all services and products for participants in one application,allowing at anytime from anywhere to use their finances.More than 7 billion potential users.Honest and absolutely transparent distribution of bonuses among all participants of the platform.A platform for an unlimited number of specialized P2P services
All existing models of the modern economy are no longer effective. High interest rates and transfer fees, as well as low speed, hamper the normal development of business and consumer relationships, as well as their accumulative abilities.Concentration of funds in the same hands breaks the balance and hinders the competitiveness of business, conditioned by old approaches that don’t work in the modern world.The situation in the world economy is complicated, and social tension only increases. These are clear signs of a long distance from modern social development.The difficulties of the modern economy and the lack of clear ways to overcome them make development in the direction of blockchain technology very actually.Existing newest technological developments can solve the problems of the modern economy, but are not willingly accepted by old established systems.
Mass adaptation of the GeoManna platform improves the effectiveness of all relationships between people and business, eliminating any intermediaries from these relationships and making their interactions transparent, safe and profitable.This solution will be achieved through the creation of a decentralized ecosystem based on the optimized capacity of the blockchain and the organization of peer-to-peer relations between users.Technological innovations in the field of computer technology combine the capabilities of payment systems and will improve the existing model of interaction between the supplier and the consumer.A number of integrated solutions and methods of contactless instant transfers will exclude fees, which will increase the purchasing power of consumers. The use of fixed cost, ideal for the consumer and corporate sectors of the economy.The balance of the number of bonuses inside the platform will not be violated and will directly depend on their relevance. In other words, the platform participants themselves encourage the creation of new bonuses by the (PoA) method. More participants, more bonuses.
The main goal of creating the GeoManna platform is to provide an opportunity for all participants from different social stratum to receive bonuses to meet basic needs, by further exchanging them for goods and services.Equal distribution of bonuses among the participants of the platform will reduce the gap between different layers of society and increase the consumption capacity.The possibility of full control over their funds, as well as the absence of interest rates, the fee and the regulator, will allow breaking out of the banks and other institutions that limit the financial freedom of citizens and businesses.GeoManna bonuses will be used as a reward for the activity of users, as well as for confirming the exchange of bonuses between participants and act as the main means of relationships within the platform.EconomyOur goal is to create a powerful tool for the social and business sectors of the economy. The users determine the liquidity and relevance of the platform, as well as its continued existence. Mass adaptation of the platform will simplify the interactions between the social and business sectors of the economy, and ease of use and reliability will ensure a constant influx of new users from different fields of activity. A fixed reward in the exchange of bonuses, as well as an honest distribution among the participants, will ensure the stable operation of the platform for many years.BusinessPlatform’s integration into the business sector will allow for direct interaction between the consumer and suppliers of goods and services. A fast and reliable system of mutual settlements will strengthen the connection between them. A multi-level lending program for the business sector facilitates the development and implementation of a platform in all areas of human activity. The spread of the platform among ordinary people will increase the purchasing power of users, and the business sector will receive a steady influx of new customers.Loans and guaranteesThe microcredit system will allow platform users to borrow free bonuses from other participants, as well as to provide a loan from their savings. A smart contract will allow you to accumulate free bonuses from the participants of the platform to provide loans, where borrowers for one loan will be not one person and many participants. A pledge of the borrower will be the guarantee for repayment of the loan. An additional guarantor of loan repayment is the insurance budget formed due to deductions for the work of the platform.PocketThe main tool for the platform users is the pocket, working on all types of smartphones. The main functionality of the pocket is the receipt and storage of bonuses, as well as confirmation of transfers between the participants of the platform. The second no less important feature of the pocket is the function of the exchange of bonuses between the participants of the platform. It includes donations and rewards, as well as the possibility of exchanging bonuses for discounts, goods and services from the real economy.FeesThe whole concept of the platform is based on the complete exclusion of commission within the platform. Transfers between participants will be made in full without deduction of transfer fees. This model will create a friendly atmosphere between the participants and increase the trust relationship in relation to the platform itself. It is in our common interest to increase the accumulative capacity of the participants in the platform, which in turn will have a positive impact on its popularizationSafetyOur project is created with the thought of security. Multifactor authorization system will ensure the safe storage of your personal data and bonuses on your devices. System of dual private keys will allow them to be stored on removable media. We will always work to improve the level of platform security systems and our users. Security is our highest priority.
Referral program and bounty10%
Other operating and additional expenses

About Team Milestones Financial Ratings White paperShare
The study of social problems of modern society;
The first acquaintance with blockchain technology;
Studying the work of the blockchain technology, the possibility of its introduction into the social and business sectors of the economy.
2017 Q2
The core of the team is formed.
2017 Q3
The idea of creating a social project based on the blockchain technology.
2017 Q4
A decision was made to create a platform that unites the social and business sectors of the economy.
The ubiquitous integration of mobile phones has determined the motion vector of the platform.
2018 Q2
Company registration and site creation;
Working out strategy for the development and introduction of a platform.
2018 Q3
Pre-stage of placement of bonuses of social activity pre-ICO.
2018 Q4
Beginning of the development of a mobile app for the distribution and storage of bonuses;
The main stage of placement of social activity bonuses ICO.
2019 Q1
Development and introduction of bonuses between participants in the exchange site app as well as exchange for goods and services.
2019 Q2
The beginning of the development of a new decentralized blockchain platform.
2019 Q3
Testing and launching a new decentralized platform, as well as the exchange of bonuses for new ones.
2019 Q4
Mass introduction of the platform into the business sector of the economy;
Business Lending Program.
Full adaptation and implementation of technology in all areas of activity;
Creation of the world`s first social bank.
By 2021, the number of users of the GeoManna ecosystem will reach 1 billion.
Apply as an advisorDenis Vorontsov

Eugene Rohozhnikov

Eugene Ruzanov
Chief Technology Officer

Sophie Bahtina
Social Media Manager

Ivan Gapich
Social Media Strategist


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