
Cryptov8 to provide a resistance-free method of obtaining/using cryptocurrencies across the entire market The Cryptov8 project extends far beyond any existing ‘CryptoBanking’
services that exist today. Not only will we have a universal account and
wallet, our project aims to streamline challenges that customers often
face, which will ultimately create the best possible route for adoption
of cryptocurrencies.
We intend to bridge these currently disparate worlds to provide our
customers with the widest options and first class customer service.
About Cryptov8
Cryptov8 will become a global player that uses blockchain
technology to bridge the gap between cryptobanking and traditional
banking products and services. Our target customers are the existing 25m
and predicted 300m-500m future global members of the cryptocurrency
community although our services will be available to all.
Already significantly progressed in the process of being a bank, we
are well advanced in the process of creating the technical, business and
regulatory blueprint to extend our reach worldwide. The primary
objectives of Cryptov8 are to improve:
Convenience – making wallet creation and access
straight forward. Ability to manage all your cryptobanking and
traditional banking in one place.
Trust – as an authorised and regulated bank we will
apply the highest levels of regulatory principles and best industry
practice to protect our customers.
Security – providing bank grade security with the ability to securely store wallet and password details to allow retrieval.
Cost – make exchange costs and withdrawals cheaper and more certain.
Reward - uniquely, our cryptobanking customers will
directly receive rewards for their loyalty. We will give a share of our
cryptobanking fees back to our customers.
Acceptance – making cryptocurrency payment mainstream.
Education – providing easy access to educational material, knowledgebase and providing support to crypto customers.

Cryptov8 Excellence
Cryptov8 will be a full-service retail bank, the team will serve all ritel and UKM customers in a friendly way. This bank is founded by English regulate which is provided to serve Mortgages, loans, savings, and Giro. This project has superior superiority to existing projects, the team realizing the project aims to streamline the challenges often encountered by customers with the existence of this bank will expand the scope of adoption of cryptocurrency globally.
here are the things that Cryptov8 offers I quote from this page.
Cryptov8 will be a full-service retail bank, the team will serve all ritel and UKM customers in a friendly way. This bank is founded by English regulate which is provided to serve Mortgages, loans, savings, and Giro. This project has superior superiority to existing projects, the team realizing the project aims to streamline the challenges often encountered by customers with the existence of this bank will expand the scope of adoption of cryptocurrency globally.
here are the things that Cryptov8 offers I quote from this page.
- convenience - Makes installing, accessing, and using your wallet directly ahead.
- Trust - As an authorized and regulated bank, Cryptov8 will apply the highest level of best industry regulatory and practice principles to protect all customers and users.
- security - Provides bank-level security across the wallet or asset storage, password retrieval, and fraud protection.
- Cost - Makes exchange and drawing fees cheaper and more definitive.
- Gifts - the best thing, all Cryptov8 cryptobank customers will receive a direct appreciation for their loyalty. they will get a share of the Cryptov8 cryptobank cost back to all the customers.
- Reception - Create a cryptocurrency payment stream.
- Education - Provides easy access to educational materials, an ever-expanding knowledge base and provides unmatched support to cryptocurrency customers.
Cryptov8 CRV8 Token & ICO Details
Platforms token is the CRV8 tokens. The tokens are accepted payment methods for services that the platform offers. Being used to use value-reduced tokens and accounts for tokens.
- Date: 14th July - 28th July 2018
- Exchange rate: 1 ETH = 4,788 CRV8
- Date: 28th July - 28th September 2018* Exchange rate: 1 ETH = 4,320 - 3,780 CRV8
- Soft Cap: 15,625 Ethereum
- Hard Cap: 156,250 Ethereum
- Accepted payment methods: ETH, BTC, fiat


Paul Miles

Q3 2016
FCA approve a consumer credit license enabling us to
provide personal loans and issue credit cards as well as carry out other
consumer credit activities.
Q2 2017
Technology evaluation starts, full list of technology vendors considered. Application process for full banking licence begins.
Q3 2017
Extensive market research completed to identify consumer preferences, market trends and competitor offerings.
Q1 2018
Regulatory Pre-Application Process. Generation of Regulatory Business Plan.
Q3 2018
Banking platform vendor selected. Full banking licence application submitted to the Prudential Regulatory Authority
Q1 2019
Full banking licence Authorisation with Restriction granted. Crypto Wallet/Account Launch
Q3 2019
Full Banking Licence (without Restriction) granted.
Banking Services Launch. Phase 1 to include: • Current Account • Savings
• Unsecured Loan • Business Lending
Q2 2020
Crypto Account Services Expansion • Cryptomotiv8 (final features) • CryptoG8 (own FIAT gateway/exchange)
for more information:
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