ABOUT RECORD Foundation's

On RecordFarm’s platform, artists can easily make their own music and share it worldwide, regardless of time and place. Using blockchain technology, protection of copyrights is ensured and direct transactions that prevent losses of artists are made possible.
By interacting with music posted by artists by liking, commenting and sharing, listeners become curators and are rewarded with RCD token. Unlike traditional music service platforms, listeners add and accelerate value to the platform and are compensated fairly for their contributions.
All transactions between artists and listeners are completed directly in the absence of an intermediary. Artists get paid directly, instantaneously and automatically when listeners purchase their music.
Because RecordFarm uses blockchain technology and smart contracts, everyone in the world can easily view contracts and transactions without relying on a central agency, which ensures the ultimate transparency.
RECORD token (RCD) is the cryptocurrency of the RecordFarm platform. Artists are rewarded with RCD tokens for sharing music and listeners are rewarded for interacting with the music by liking, commenting and sharing. The more popular the music, the more RCD tokens received by the artists.
The RCD token serves as a reward for users of the platform. These RCD tokens can be used to purchase music and various related goods provided on the platform.
Participate in spreading out RECORD Project!
We will earn seed investment to protect the musician’s rights. In return, you will get RCD tokens for free.
RECORD Project is the world’s first project to empower not only the artists but also the listeners by applying the blockchain technology into our fully functioning music platform, RecordFarm (https://www.recordfarm.com/?lang=en). This project is run and designed by RECORD Foundation.
General Info and Regulations:
- Official Bounty Program will commence immediately and run until the end of the ICO on June 30, 2018, or before if the ICO is a success.
- Bounty Distribution will take place immediately after the campaign has ended.
- All participants will have their tokens tracked and will be eligible to receive at the end of the campaign.
- Any double entries, spam or cheating will result in a ban and will forfeit your right to earn RCD
- A total 6,000,000 RCD tokens, 2% of RCD tokens available for public sale are reserved for the Open Bounty Program. The total Bounty Pool will be allocated as follows:

- Project Developers reserve the right to make changes to the terms and conditions.
Let’s make the world know about RECORD Foundation’s ICO by engaging in any combination of these channels and communities.

TWITTER (900,000 RCD)
- You must follow RECORD Foundation Twitter: https://twitter.com/recordfarm?lang=en
- You must have at least 200 followers
- You must have at least 85% of real followers on Twitter Audit
- Your privacy settings must be open
- Multiple accounts registrations are not allowed
- Unique tweets must be made every day as well as the retweets with hashtags: #RECORDFoundation #RecordFarm #ICO #RCDtoken#forARTISTS #forLISTENERS #RECORD #Crypto #Blockchain#Ethereum #ERC20 #Music #Copyright
- Tweets published must stay public until they are rewarded with tokens
- The number of your followers is fixed from the moment you register with the form and will not change during the campaign.
Rewards per week:
- 200–599 followers: 50 RCD
- 600–999 followers: 100 RCD
- 1,000–2,999 followers: 180 RCD
- 3,000–5,999 followers: 260 RCD
- 6,000–9,999 followers: 400 RCD
- 10,000–19,999 followers: 800 RCD
- 20,000–29,999 followers: 2,000 RCD
- 30,000–39,999 followers: 3,000 RCD
- 40,000–49,999 followers: 4,000 RCD
- 50,000 followers and more: 5,000 RCD

FACEBOOK (600,000 RCD)
- You must follow and like our official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RECORDFoundation/
- You must share posts from our official account within 5 days of the publication date,
- Your account must have at least 200 friends
- Reposts of posts that were published on CURRENT bounty week only will be counted
- Facebook account must be original. Inactive account or account with fake friends will not be accepted.
- Share posts from our official account within 5 days of the publication date,
- All posts must be shared publicly
- Reposts must stay public at least until they will be rewarded with tokens
Rewards per week:
The total number of RCD tokens distributed for Facebook is 600,000–15% of the total.
Each repost will earn you the following number of stakes:
Each repost will earn you the following number of stakes:
- 200–999 friends — 50 RCD
- 1000–1999 friends — 100 RCD
- 2000–2999 friends — 300 RCD
- 3000–3999 friends — 600 RCD
- 4000–5000 friends — 1,000 RCD
Form: https://goo.gl/forms/Zi0M5cllC2yqLDUy2

TELEGRAM (300,000 RCD — 2000 People Limit)
Instructions & Rewards:
- You must join our official Telegram group — 100 RCD: https://t.me/joinchat/FVo1hRDxh8FXce1wWEWwHw
- Be active for about 2–3 days — 40 RCD per week
- No spam or foul language against other members or about RECORD Foundation
- Stay in the group until the end of the token sale to get the bounty tokens
Form: https://goo.gl/forms/VBSLERYEk6xHF6q22

YOUTUBE / D.Tube (300,000 RCD)
- You must follow the official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM1uL6XrjtDXFGVKDVYSRewor D.Tube: (coming soon)
- Make a video about RECORD Project and post it on your YouTube
- Needed to be made: What is RECORD Project
- At least 1 reference to RECORD Foundation website is necessary.
- The quality of the video must be 720p HD or higher.
- The video must be at least 1 min 30 seconds long.
- You can submit your link on the form
- YouTube bounty will be distributed among the creators of the YouTube videos about RECORD Project
- YouTube channel must be dedicated to cryptocurrencies
- The video content must be created by you
- Your title must include the words RECORD Project
- Your channel has to have a minimum of 100 subscribers to participate
- You must have at least 100 views before being accepted to receive the reward
- RecordFarm (www.recordfarm.com) has to be mentioned to the public
- 100–299 subscribers — 5,000 RCD
- 300–499 subscribers — 8,000 RCD
- 500–999 subscribers — 9,000 RCD
- 1,000 -2,499 subscribers — 11,000 RCD
- 2,500–4,999 subscribers — 12,500 RCD
- 5,000–9,999 subscribers — 15,000 RCD
- 10,000–19,999 subscribers — 180,000 RCD
- 20,000–29,999 subscribers — 21,000 RCD
- 30,000–39,999 subscribers — 25,000 RCD
- 40,000–49,999 subscribers — 30,000 RCD
- 50,000–59,999 subscribers — 35,000 RCD
- 60,000–69,999 subscribers — 40,000 RCD
- 70,000–79,999 subscribers — 45,000 RCD
- 80,000–89,999 subscribers — 50,000 RCD
- 90,000–99,999 subscribers — 55,000 RCD
- 100,000 subscribers and more — 60,000 RCD
Form: https://goo.gl/forms/fSVKd9v3LJOerJkv2

Written article (blog posts, articles, reviews) instructions:
- The article must include descriptions of the functions and features of RECORD Foundation.
- The blog post/article/review should have at least 300 words. Your text must be original, high-quality and appropriate. If your contents are copied or stolen from others, you will be disqualified
- The article should contain active links to RECORD Foundation website, official Telegram group, Twitter, Facebook account.
- The article must be freely accessible.
- Information must be precise, accurate and correct. So please familiarize yourself with RECORD Foundation by looking at the website and reading the whitepaper.
- We do not accept publication of content in blogs (Steemit, Medium, Newbium) with less than 100 subscribers.
It depends on the quality of your content. High-quality content will be awarded much higher. 1,500 RCD per ARTICLE

This category is for publishing articles or videos on prominent media website or outlets, such as Forbes, Coindesk, Bitcoinist. We also accept publications in other popular media relevant to cryptocurrency and finances.
- Extraordinary: 50,000 RCD
- Nice: 35,000 RCD
- Standard: 2,500 RCD
If you are ready to write an article and publish it in prominent media outlets, fill out this form: https://goo.gl/forms/YwxNccxCoQ6s690R2

To reserve translation for your language, apply on this form: https://goo.gl/forms/1HdAgqwWM8yi9MFJ3
(Languages open for: Japanese / Chinese / Arabic / Spanish / French / Filipino / German / Bahasa / Russian / Hindi / Portuguese / Italian)
- The translation must be made professionally. If we catch you using google translate or other tools you will be disqualified
- About ANN thread (To be announced soon)
- Deadlines: 5 days for Website / 7 days for White paper / 5 days for ANN thread + Bounty thread
- Whitepaper : 50,000 RCD
- Ann Thread : 14,000 RCD + moderation
- Whitepaper docs Download Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1oI7jxWaNHJFNl8q35aMdHTNWZqD7qgvs?usp=sharing

To be announced soon!

The tokens allocated for each category of the bounty campaign will be distributed among participants of that category separately, not pooled altogether.
To make this clear, we will make and publish a table (after April 30) with the activity of each participant for each category of the campaign. Once all the work is verified with the Bounty Manager, you will see your RCD tokens in your RECORD Foundation account after the ICO ends.
- The Bounty Manager and our Team reserve their right to make changes to the terms at any moment.
- Payment addresses will NOT be changed after submission.
- When users display offensive, derogatory or inadequate behavior when promoting RECORD Foundation, we reserve the right to disqualify the user from the bounty campaign indefinitely.
- For questions or concerns about the bounty campaign, please contact official@recordfoundation.org

General Manager
Harrison has worked for several IT companies from around the world. Having started multiple successful ventures, he drives the development of RECORD Foundation

Seomoon has gained experience in management and contents production as a television producer at a global broadcasting firm. She is talented at devising digital and public media marketing strategies, as well as in writing, design, and production.

With significant experience in leading teams, Sunah is an expert at mobile and web development. She has worked as a multimedia producer in Toronto and has exceptional skills in iOS development.

Dahye is a technician with several years of experience ranging from Machine learning to app development. She leads infrastructure and full-stack development at RECORD Foundation.
He is a back-end developer with several years of experience in professional software development. Having studied computer science in Korea, he drives the successful back-end development of RECORD Foundation.
Heewon has unparalleled experience in overseeing the UX and UI design elements and strives to build the perfect service experience for RECORD Foundation services and its users.
KH Choi
KH is a full-stack developer with 10 years experience in professional software development. He is extremely passionate in blockchain technology and has participated various related projects. He focuses on ensuring security within all of RECORD subsystems.
Keith Teare
Founder of Accelerated Digital Ventures Ltd
Founding shareholder of TECHCRUNCH
Keith Teare is a leading technology entrepreneur, having co-founded TechCrunch and has a remarkable track record, playing a leading role in over a dozen successful projects, including Archimedes Labs, EasyNet, and Real Names, valued at over $1 billion. Like the RECORD project, he once established a similar project for the favor of artists but it was too early to succeed according to his statement. This time he is very enthusiastic to bring the idea to success with the RECORD Foundation.
Denzyl Feigelson
CEO and cofounder of Platoon
Denzyl Feigelson is an entrepreneur, and musician who has been a strategic advisor to Apple in music and digital media after being recruited by Steve Jobs in 2001. He played an instrumental role in launching iTunes, Apple Music, and Apple Music Festival. He has worked with global brands such as Coca-Cola as a music strategist and helped manage Paul Simon’s album “Graceland.” Currently, as the co-founder and CEO of Platoon, a platform for independent artists, he is ready to introduce the global artists to join the vision of RECORD project.
Richard Kastelein
Richard Kastelein is an award-winning publisher, entrepreneur, and a director of the education company Blockchain Partners (Oracle Partner). He has written over 1500 articles on Blockchain technology at Blockchain News & has also published on ICOs in Harvard Business Review & Venturebeat. With blockchain technology, he is very passionate to solve the unfair revenue issues among the artists.
Minhwa Lee, PhD
Prof. Minwha Lee is a professor of KAIST and established S. Korea’s first venture company, Medison Co., Ltd. in 1985, which has grown into a global medical equipment company. With this unparalleled experience, he promoted and contributed to the establishment of more than 30 medical companies, which now accounts for 70% of S. Korea’s medical equipment exports. He also played a leading role in founding Korea Venture Business Association in 1995, in enacting special laws on venture companies and in establishing KOSDAQ.
Junic Kim, PhD
Prof. Junic Kim is a professor of Konkuk University and a serial entrepreneur with a passion for innovative technology and business strategy. He also works as an external advisor for international and government organisations.

Alex is an online entrepreneur, helping businesses successfully transition to digital. He worked for a global digital marketing team and successfully built his own digital marketing companies in Greece and Korea. Alex has been living in Greece and other nearby European countries for 20 years.

As a multilingual person, Geumbin leads the expansion of the Japanese and Korean markets, including promotion, marketing, and development. She has studied at the University of Tokyo’s international program.

Alexander is a mass communication expert and has extensive experience promoting projects and startups. He is in charge of marketing, promotion and partnerships at RECORD Foundation.
for more information:
WEBSITE: http://recordfoundation.org/
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/joinchat/FVo1hRDxh8FXce1wWEWwHw
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/RECORDFoundation/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/recordfarm?lang=en
WHITEPAPER: http://recordfoundation.org/public/RecordFoundation/assets/pdf/RECORD_Whitepaper.pdf
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/joinchat/FVo1hRDxh8FXce1wWEWwHw
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/RECORDFoundation/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/recordfarm?lang=en
WHITEPAPER: http://recordfoundation.org/public/RecordFoundation/assets/pdf/RECORD_Whitepaper.pdf
BTT username: rivaldo2020
BTT profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2051385
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