There is much more to running a business than office space and furnishings. In the initial stages particularly, the startup costs and practices require meticulous planning and careful accounting. Nevertheless, many entrepreneurs have encountered so many obstacles in creating an organization, especially with all the legal complexity, filling lengthy paperwork and numerous fees among others. All these factors continue hindering many people from launching their businesses and realizing their dreams. Luckily, a blockchain solution called eInc is just about to change all that and bring your organization on the blockchain.
What Is EtherInc?
EtherInc or einc is designed to create a unique protocol for building, managing and running decentralized apps and organizations. The aim of this blockchain solution is to empower entrepreneurs all over the world to build and operate decentralized firms that are free of restrictions, expensive intermediaries and extend across borders. This collaborative approach will help push more value into the products and also increase trust and resiliency in the company. EtherInc intends to be available all over the world to entrepreneurs wherever they need this critical service.
How EtherInc Ethereum Crypto Blockchain Fork Works
EtherInc has successfully built what can be referred to as a comprehensive abstract foundation layer consisting of a blockchain network with an inbuilt programming language. This means anyone within the ecosystem will be able to create smart contracts as well as other decentralized apps in which they can establish their own ownership rules, state transition functions and transaction formats. This platform will be especially useful for creating decentralized apps, especially in situations where entrepreneurs are seeking fast development times and also the capability of different apps interacting efficiently.
EtherInc ETI Token ICO Details
Pre ICO sale starts: 05/07/18
Pre ICO sale ends: 05/15/18
ICO sale starts: 05/25/18
ICO sale ends: 06/25/18
Coin symbol: ETI
Total coin supply: 997,528,142 ETI
Total coins in coinsale: 450,000,000 ETI
Eliminating Start Up Costs And Spurring Businesses
As mentioned above, all the costs and complexities that surround startups have forced many dreams to go unaccomplished. EtherIn eliminates all the legal, operational and financial requirements of creating a new startup. To launch your company, all your need to do is to first select a name and you can being to set up your blockchain firm. Next, you can add the founding members and then start assigning roles to your team.
As part of building your team, EtherInc allows you to issue stock to your founding team, with unique voting powers based on share percentage. It allows you to distribute ownership seamlessly without border restrictions, thus enabling you to bring in a wide variety of experts into your company. You can also define how specific actions in your firm are triggered or decided by setting up smart contracts.
In the issue of collaboration, EtherInc offers a voting platform where business owners can create company proposals for voting. The voting process is done in a highly secure manner that is impossible to falsify. Accepted proposals can then be entered into a smart contract, with the payments being triggered only after all the conditions within that contract have been met.
The other notable way in which EtherInc intends to spur businesses to thrive on its platform is through providing a brand-new protocol of conducting crowdfunding. Using the inbuilt tokensale smart contract, you can raise funds to grow your company from anywhere in the globe.
Better, faster, secure and inexpensive
We decided to take a different path than Ethereum by:
• reducing block time from 15s to 6s, which improved:
• network transaction per second by 2.5x
• transaction confirmation speed by 2.5x
• miner reward by 2.5x
• removing uncle reward
• implementing finite supply for mineable coins
This makes the eInc blockchain faster than Ethereum and allows for better scaling while preserving decentralization.
einc is created as a fork of Ethereum blockchain with replay protection and hence, has all the capabilities of the Ethereum blockchain with some of our added enhancements.
The intent of EtherInc is to create an alternative protocol for running decentralized organizations and building decentralized applications, providing a different set of tradeoffs that we believe will be very useful for a large class of decentralized applications, with particular emphasis on situations where rapid development time, security for small and rarely used applications, and the ability of different applications to very efficiently interact, are important. EtherInc does this by building what is essentially the ultimate abstract foundational layer: a blockchain with a built-in Turing-complete programming language, allowing anyone to write smart contracts and decentralized applications where they can create their own arbitrary rules for ownership, transaction formats, and state transition functions. A bare-bones version of Namecoin can be written in two lines of code, and other protocols like currencies and reputation systems can be built in under twenty. Smart contracts, cryptographic “boxes” that contain value and only unlock it if certain conditions are met, can also be built on top of the platform, with vastly more power than that offered by Bitcoin scripting because of the added powers of Turing completeness, value-awareness, blockchain-awareness, state, and exchanges.
Satoshi Nakamoto’s development of Bitcoin in 2009 has often been hailed as a radical development in money and currency, being the first example of a digital asset which simultaneously has no backing or “intrinsic value” and no centralized issuer or controller. However, another, arguably more important, part of the Bitcoin experiment is the underlying blockchain technology as a tool of distributed consensus, and attention is rapidly starting to shift to this other aspect of Bitcoin. Commonly cited alternative applications of blockchain technology include using on-blockchain digital assets to represent custom currencies and financial instruments (“colored coins”), the ownership of an underlying physical device (“smart property”), non-fungible assets such as domain names (“Namecoin”), as well as more complex applications involving having digital assets being directly controlled by a piece of code implementing arbitrary rules (“smart contracts”) or even blockchain based “decentralized autonomous organizations” (DAOs). What EtherInc intends to provide is a blockchain with a built-in fully fledged Turing-complete programming language that can be used to create “contracts” that can be used to encode arbitrary state transition functions, allowing users to create any of the systems described above, as well as many others that we have not yet imagined, simply by writing up the logic in a few lines of code. If you wish to grab more information on ICO planning guide, then click on our page.
EtherInc Accounts
In EtherInc, the state is made up of objects called “accounts”, with each account having a 20-byte address and state transitions being direct transfers of value and information between accounts. An EtherInc account contains four fields:
The nonce, a counter used to make sure each transaction can only be processed once
The account’s current ETI balance
The account’s contract code, if present
The account’s storage (empty by default)
“ETI” is the main internal crypto-fuel of EtherInc, and is used to pay transaction fees. In general, there are two types of accounts: externally owned accounts, controlled by private keys, and contract accounts, controlled by their contract code. An externally owned account has no code, and one can send messages from an externally owned account by creating and signing a transaction; in a contract account, every time the contract account receives a message its code activates, allowing it to read and write to internal storage and send other messages or create contracts in turn. Note that “contracts” in EtherInc should not be seen as something that should be “fulfilled” or “complied with”; rather, they are more like “autonomous agents” that live inside of the EtherInc execution environment, always executing a specific piece of code when “poked” by a message or transaction, and having direct control over their own ETI balance and their own key/value store to keep track of persistent variables.
EtherInc State Transition Function
The EtherInc state transition function, APPLY(S,TX) -> S’ can be defined as follows:
Check if the transaction is well-formed (ie. has the right number of values), the signature is valid, and the nonce matches the nonce in the sender’s account. If not, return an error.
Calculate the transaction fee as STARTGAS * GASPRICE, and determine the sending address from the signature. Subtract the fee from the sender’s account balance and increment the sender’s nonce. If there is not enough balance to spend, return an error.
Initialize GAS = STARTGAS, and take off a certain quantity of gas per byte to pay for the bytes in the transaction.
Transfer the transaction value from the sender’s account to the receiving account. If the receiving account does not yet exist, create it. If the receiving account is a contract, run the contract’s code either to completion or until the execution runs out of gas.
If the value transfer failed because the sender did not have enough money, or the code execution ran out of gas, revert all state changes except the payment of the fees, and add the fees to the miner’s account.
Otherwise, refund the fees for all remaining gas to the sender, and send the fees paid for gas consumed to the miner.
EtherInc Advantages
eInc Blockchain was created as a fork of the Ethereum Blockchain, with replay protection, and hence, has all the capabilities of the Ethereum blockchain with some of our own enhancements, and powerful inbuilt dApps that run on this blockchain.
We improved the Ethereum Blockchain by:
reducing block time from 15s to 6s
increasing network transaction per second by 2.5x
increasing transaction confirmation speed by 2.5x
increasing miner reward by 2.5x
removing uncle reward
implementing finite supply for mineable coins
eInc Coin Sale
Coin name EtherInc Coin
Coin symbol ETI
Total coin supply 997,528,142
ETI Total coins in coin sale 450,000,000
ETI Pre ICO sale starts 07 May 2018
Pre ICO sale ends 15 May 2018
ICO sale starts 25 May 2018
ICO sale ends 25 June 2018

Team: Lack of technical expertise
The EtherInc team comprises of 8 people that involves developer, graphic designer, marketing manager and compliance officers with half of the team having experience of working with big players in the market though in what capacity, no idea, while the other half doesn’t have much to brag about.
Tarun Malik
Suryansh Kumar
Anant Mendiratta
Vladimir Nikitin
Tyler Sanford
Nikolay Shkilev
Douglas Lyons
Mofassair Hossain
Rumen Slavchov
Amarpreet Singh
Q3 2017
eInc DApp launched on Ethereum Blockchain.
Release of the eInc Blockchain.
Launch of the public coin sale.
Q2 2018
Community building, Exchange listing, eInc Startup investments.
Q3 2018
Diplomacy work begins to partner with certain countries to get eInc protocol and ETI coins legal status.
Q4 2018
Create further awareness about eInc Blockchain based organisation.
for more information:
BTT username: rivaldo2020
BTT profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2051385
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